The Town of Winthrop is engaging in a whirlwind update of our Parks and Recreation Plan to maintain our eligibility to apply for grants through the Washington Recreation Conservation Office (RCO). In an effort to gauge public sentiment on our local parks and recreation scene, we’re asking folks to give us feedback. We’ve put together a brief and easy survey, available at If you are a utility customer with the Town, you can also look for a survey in your mailbox. We hope you’ll take a few minutes to give us your input.
In addition to the park survey, the Winthrop Planning Commission will hold a Public Workshop with a focus on parks and recreation. The workshop will be held on Tuesday, January 24th, 6 PM at the Hen House of the Winthrop Barn. We will again be looking to get the community’s pulse on a variety of potential projects, to see where we can best spend our energy in coming years.
As always, your input helps us do a better job of setting priorities and planning for the future of our community. Please take the time to let us know what is important to you!
Attend The Workshop: Tuesday, January 24th, 6 PM at the Hen House of the Winthrop Barn