Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Town Volunteer Celebration - October 27th

The Town of Winthrop invites everyone to a celebration of the volunteers and groups that have given of their time over the last year to help the Town make Winthrop a great place for all of us. The celebration will take place on Tuesday October 27th, 2009 from 6pm to 8pm at the Winthrop Barn. The evening will begin with a social hour from 6pm to 7pm with refreshments being served. At 7pm, the volunteer recognition presentation will begin. The evening will conclude around 8pm with dessert being served. Please join us to recognize these invaluable volunteers and the gift of their time and effort to all of us. For more information, please contact Town Hall at 509-996-2320.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Potluck to Honor Marshal Matson - noon June 30th

The Town of Winthrop invites one and all to a lunchtime potluck on tuesday, June 30th at noon at the Winthrop Barn to honor retiring Marshal Chris Matson. Please help us say thank you to Marshal Matson for his years of service to the Town and its citizens.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Public Transportation Open House - March 11th - 7pm

The Town of Winthrop and the Okanogan County Public Transportation Improvement Conference will host a public open house on Wednesday, March 11th at 7pm at the Winthrop Barn.

This open house is designed to gather community input on current and future needs for public transportation in the Methow Valley and the county as a whole. All Methow Valley community members are encouraged to attend. Please come and share your ideas and experiences to help shape the future of public transportation in Okanogan County.

For more information please contact Mayor Dave Acheson at 996-2320 or or Tom Hanson at or 509-667-3029.